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AMERIGO is an innovative analyzer for the characterization of nanoparticle suspensions combining into the same instrument Particle Size and Zeta Potential measurements. It is based on state of the art version of Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and Laser Doppler Electrophoresis (LDE) techniques offering high resolution, accurate and rapid measurement. These two techniques provide complementary information about the nanoparticle solution: the size of the nanoparticles and the stability of the formulation.

BioAerosol Monitoring System (BAMS) is designed to meet exacting, pharmaceutical manufacturing standards while providing real-time data for immediate action and catastrophic loss avoidance.

The VASCO KIN™ is a new generation of Time-Resolved instrument for accurate kinetic analyses combined with an in situ and contactless remote optical head. It allows to monitor in Real Time nanoparticles synthesis, agglomeration or the stability of suspensions. With a single and continuous measurement, VASCO KIN™ gives access to all characterization data of a reaction (size distribution, scattered intensity, correlogramms, etc.).

Particle Size Analyzer


WALLISζTM is an innovative high resolution Zeta potential analyzer purely dedicated to nanoparticle and colloidal charge characterization. Based on a modern version of Laser Doppler Electrophoresis (LDE) technique; Ideal tool for studying colloidal suspension’s stability and nanoparticles’ electrophoretic properties.

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